Monday, January 10, 2011

Reality check!

Let's face the facts, I've just restarted and it's been a week almost since my last post. Is my life too complicated for blogging? Or maybe I just have to find my groove?  maybe I'm lazy? I've thought of blogging, adding photo's ect, the past few days but trying to coherently put words together made my brain hurt. It's been a hectic week with schedules and kids still in vacation break mode which means numerous sleepovers, late nights, movies, skating, sledding and still running to hockey and basketball and somehow dragging my body off to work and fighting a cold to top it off.

Tomorrow, with the exception of me,  all return to normal schedules or normal to us anyways, ah, big sigh! I am off tomorrow as my Dad is having surgery but all my kidlings will be engaged in learning activities in their respective school environments. Yeah ! I have one in elementary school, one in middle school, and one in high school. Thinking I should have planned that a bit better. :)

Worked today and managed 35 minutes on the elliptical at lunch and then came home to a houseful of kids. Hungry kids who spent the afteroon playing pond hockey for 3 plus hours. Husband was home today and had his famous homemade spaghetti sauce on and whipped up supper for 8 people. Awesome! Love having dinner ready.

I was rocking my food choices all day till Ry and I reviewed place value tonight with different coloured Hershey kisses. I think I ate several bases of tens... maybe even a hundred or two... We had fun combining the different colors into numbers and even though I did eat too many it was fun spending alone time with Ry as the husband took both boys to hockey practice.

2 story books later and 3 badly sung songs, she is fast asleep and excited to return to school tomorrow as she is wearing her new "super skinny" jeans. They look so uncomfortable. Off to bed. Big day tomorrow for my dad.

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