Monday, January 3, 2011

Responsible parenting is teaching your children how to lead healthy lives.

If you've have kids, and I have 3, of course you want to make sure they grow up fit and healthy. But as a parent, you also know it's hard to juggle work, family, proper nutrition and physical activity—for you alone, never mind for you and your family. An active lifestyle and a commitment to healthy living are fundamental in shaping the quality of our lives and in turn setting a healthy example for your children is crucial in achieving this goal. The secret to success is simple; practice what you preach. Just telling your kids what to do won’t necessarily work-they need to see you choosing healthy behaviours. I’m hoping this blog will keep me in line and track my progress as I practice what I preach. I’ve been meandering through other blogs for awhile thinking, I can do this? Why not?  It certainly will not hurt. Last August, I attempted to start and had all kinds of issues with posting personal information. I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and be as free as possible with my posts. Huge step for me but I think this is the only way to make this work. OK, here goes. Why do I feel like a need a lifejacket all of a sudden and where was that &*^**Edit Button again?

Big breath, Hello! My name is W.  I have been married for 18 years. I’m 40 plus something years old and have 3 children, work full time and used to try to fit in some physical activity daily. Since the fall I have slacked off and easily find excuses not to hit the gym and really not surprisingly, gained 15 pounds in the process. Did I mention I ate and drink my way through the Holidays. Well, this stops today. Tomorrow I start back to work and will haul my plus 15 pound butt to the gym and set some goals for the New Year. Off to watch the World Junior Game with my daughter. Boys had to go to hockey practices and were not too pleased about missing the game and neither was the Dad happy about driving.
 Go Canada! OK, I didn't say my name but I'm working on it.

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