Monday, January 10, 2011

Reality check!

Let's face the facts, I've just restarted and it's been a week almost since my last post. Is my life too complicated for blogging? Or maybe I just have to find my groove?  maybe I'm lazy? I've thought of blogging, adding photo's ect, the past few days but trying to coherently put words together made my brain hurt. It's been a hectic week with schedules and kids still in vacation break mode which means numerous sleepovers, late nights, movies, skating, sledding and still running to hockey and basketball and somehow dragging my body off to work and fighting a cold to top it off.

Tomorrow, with the exception of me,  all return to normal schedules or normal to us anyways, ah, big sigh! I am off tomorrow as my Dad is having surgery but all my kidlings will be engaged in learning activities in their respective school environments. Yeah ! I have one in elementary school, one in middle school, and one in high school. Thinking I should have planned that a bit better. :)

Worked today and managed 35 minutes on the elliptical at lunch and then came home to a houseful of kids. Hungry kids who spent the afteroon playing pond hockey for 3 plus hours. Husband was home today and had his famous homemade spaghetti sauce on and whipped up supper for 8 people. Awesome! Love having dinner ready.

I was rocking my food choices all day till Ry and I reviewed place value tonight with different coloured Hershey kisses. I think I ate several bases of tens... maybe even a hundred or two... We had fun combining the different colors into numbers and even though I did eat too many it was fun spending alone time with Ry as the husband took both boys to hockey practice.

2 story books later and 3 badly sung songs, she is fast asleep and excited to return to school tomorrow as she is wearing her new "super skinny" jeans. They look so uncomfortable. Off to bed. Big day tomorrow for my dad.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Help! Jump start required here..

Where are you motivation? Dawn of new day and my drive, ambition, or lack thereof is already rearing its ugly head.  I’m in serious trouble. Day one and I want chocolate! Really who am I kidding that this blog is going to somehow ignite a kinetic chain reaction and all will fall into place. It’s like I just want to morph back into that happier, healthier, fitter person that I used to be 6 months ago. Today, my first day back to work after the holidays, and warning,  this requires you to sit down before reading, my fat pants (you know that pair of pants that you wear when you’re feeling larger than normal for whatever monthly reasons).  Come on!  Everyone has at least one pair in their closet. Well mine were tight! Really, my fat pants were tight! Can the universe be so cruel on my first day back? It’s day one people and I’m supposed to be thinking about positive changes and inspiring my family to keep on the same track and I’m fixated on my fat pants. Trying to move along when all I really want to do is fabricate every reason other than the truth as to why my fat pants do not feel right and shamefully blame it on my laundry detergent. It’s possible in my warped mind?
 Exercise: I did manage a work out at the gym during lunch. I was late leaving which cut into my time but I did Walk 3.20 Km in 30 mins on the treadmill with 5 incline. My butt is already sore J which, to me, is a good thing. When I work out, I want to feel that fatigue in my muscles afterwards.  This somehow validates that I worked hard.  As a busy mom, I need to get the biggest bang for my time when I work out and it has to count. If I do it, I do it so to speak. I guess this warped mind set comes from my time being limited and when you have to move heaven and earth to find exercise time, you make it valuable. My plan is to track how active we are as a family and post it regularly.  
Nutrition: On the food front, not too shabby... Started with my usual fibre one, ground flax, chia seeds, blackberries and blueberries. This is a stable in my diet as I am fanatical about fibre. I love all things fibre and quite often my family catches me adding fibre to whatever I can. Imagine being told by your 9 year old, that fibre one and ice cream do not go together! What? Are you kidding me? It’s a great combo and I love that crunch! Has anyone else tried this? Really missing out here people?  Give it a whirl next time with some fruit added in and you will not go back. Missed my snack due to work but managed to scoff down a awesome salad with greens, sweet peppers, broccoli, turkey and some light poppy seed dressing on the side. Umm delicious and filling for about 60 mins... moved along to a whey protein shake thinking it would curb my eat anything in site mind set and it worked till about the drive home at which time I ate my weight in almonds. Seriously, I was in control and ate only 10. I wanted to eat more but held back thinking about my fat pants.
Mental Health: I weighed in at the gym and that should about cover it all. I’m in shock! I was going to post it today but I’m backing out. Maybe tomorrow, next week, month? I have this innate terror of sharing my weight with others. Why? Intellectually, I realise that it’s just a number but really, it’s such a big number and one that comes with a lot of negative emotions that I’m not ready to put out there in blog world. I don’t even want to type it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Responsible parenting is teaching your children how to lead healthy lives.

If you've have kids, and I have 3, of course you want to make sure they grow up fit and healthy. But as a parent, you also know it's hard to juggle work, family, proper nutrition and physical activity—for you alone, never mind for you and your family. An active lifestyle and a commitment to healthy living are fundamental in shaping the quality of our lives and in turn setting a healthy example for your children is crucial in achieving this goal. The secret to success is simple; practice what you preach. Just telling your kids what to do won’t necessarily work-they need to see you choosing healthy behaviours. I’m hoping this blog will keep me in line and track my progress as I practice what I preach. I’ve been meandering through other blogs for awhile thinking, I can do this? Why not?  It certainly will not hurt. Last August, I attempted to start and had all kinds of issues with posting personal information. I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and be as free as possible with my posts. Huge step for me but I think this is the only way to make this work. OK, here goes. Why do I feel like a need a lifejacket all of a sudden and where was that &*^**Edit Button again?

Big breath, Hello! My name is W.  I have been married for 18 years. I’m 40 plus something years old and have 3 children, work full time and used to try to fit in some physical activity daily. Since the fall I have slacked off and easily find excuses not to hit the gym and really not surprisingly, gained 15 pounds in the process. Did I mention I ate and drink my way through the Holidays. Well, this stops today. Tomorrow I start back to work and will haul my plus 15 pound butt to the gym and set some goals for the New Year. Off to watch the World Junior Game with my daughter. Boys had to go to hockey practices and were not too pleased about missing the game and neither was the Dad happy about driving.
 Go Canada! OK, I didn't say my name but I'm working on it.